
New paper accepted to IEEE Access Journal

  The WAM Systems Lab has a new conference paper accepted to appear: D. Agnew, A. del Aguila, and J. McNair, “Enhanced Network Metric Prediction for Machine Learning-based Cyber Security of a Software-Defined UAV Relay Network,” IEEE Access Journal, 12(2024):54202-54219. Zero-day… Read More

New Poster Accepted to IEEE NetSoft

The WAM Systems Lab has a new conference poster accepted to appear: U. Sunkara, A. Abiru, K. Morman, and A. Costin, “Poster: Hardware Security for IoT Wireless Network” to appear in 2024 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft ’24). The… Read More

New NSF Project on Vehicular Security

Dr. McNair is on a team for a new NSF project entitled, “An Integrative Hands-on Approach to Vehicular Security Education.” It’s goal is to develop technology and materials to help the broader community comprehend the cybersecurity challenges in autonomous vehicles.… Read More

SHREC Midyear Workshop – June 2024

The NSF/ICURC SHREC Midyear Workshop will be held on Wednesday, June 20. This is a one-day virtual event focusing on results from SHREC student-led research projects on space computing, high-performance computing, and resilient computing in mission-oriented environments. Hundreds of experts… Read More