EEL5718/EEL4598 – Computer Communications

EEL5718/EEL4598 – Computer Communications

Last Taught: Summer 2024

Upcoming semester: FALL 2024

ECE Florida course syllabi are available here:

This course is a hybrid Campus/EDGE course. Lecture notes and problem sessions will be discussed during class time (hybrid in-person/online), and will be recorded and posted on mediasite. There will be one exam. For campus section students, the exam will be given in person. For EDGE section students, an online system has been purchased to proctor the exam.

Attendance policy:

  • For students enrolled in Section CAMP, assignments must be completed on time and the midterm exam must be taken in person.
  • For students enrolled in EDGE Sections 2FED or 1FE2, assignments must be completed within one week of the deadline to incur no penalty, and the midterm exam can be taken online.

More detailed course information is provided in the course syllabus and in the course Canvas site once the course begins.


Instructor on record: Janise McNair
Teaching Assistant: Pavan Mangipudi

Course Description

Introductory course on the design of data communication networks: modems, terminals, error control, multiplexing, message switching, and data concentration. Introduces the principles and practice of computer networking, emphasizing data communication and the lower layers of the OSI and TCP/IP protocol architectures.

Emphasizes course simulation projects and performance analysis studies
Emphasizes hands-on networking projects

Goal: To provide an overview of the state of the art in industry and research, while giving the student a technical foundation in the design and analysis of networking systems. (3 credits)


5718 Prerequisites:
  • Communication Systems and Components – EEL4514 (or equivalent knowledge
  • Graduate level standing
4598 Prerequisites:
  • Programming (EEL 3834 or COP 3503C or COP 3504C or COP 2274 or other programming equivalent)
  • Junior or senior level standing

Course Requirements

Computer Requirements
  • Electronic homework and project submissions are required
  • Access to a networked computer is needed to access simulation and other software for projects and problems
    (e.g.,  MatLab, C/C++, ns-3, Mininet, GENI, Fabric, Python)
  • If you need remote access to the ECE computer lab, you must create an account. Contact instructor for more info.


Required and Reference Textbooks for the course are updated here: UF Textbook Adoption – EEL5718-4598

When possible (as indicated in the textbook adoption page), the required textbook will be put on reserve in the UF Marsten Science Library. In addition, a few reference books will be available electronically in the course’s Canvas page. The course will include some theory from the textbook, some very recent material from research papers, and some labs/presentations/reports/projects from groups. There is not a laboratory section for this course, but student teams will be required to learn how to use a simulation or network sniffing pakeage. (package varies by semester)

Course Topics (as time permits)

Related Hot Topics that will be discussed in Summer 2024:
Smart Grid Communications, Data Centers, Software Defined Networks (SDN)

  • Overview
  • Foundation Topics in Communications
  • Physical Layer (e.g., Encoding, Modulation)
  • Link Layer and Medium Access Control (MAC) (e.g., Links, Access Networks, Error Control)
  • Network Layer: Data Plane (e.g., Data Plane, Addressing, Internet Protocol)
  • Network Layer: Control Plane (e.g., Signaling), Routers and Switches
  • Transport Layer (if time permits) (TCP/IP, Slow Start)
  • Security in Computer Networks (if time permits) (Key management, secure routing)


In past terms the grade weights were as follows.

Grades Percentage Dates
Homework 15% Approx every 2 to 3 weeks
 Labs 15% Approx every 2 to 3 weeks
Semester Project or Presentation 30%  
Midterm Exam 30% Week 9
Group and Class Participation 10% Discretionary grade assigned by instructor. Includes:
Group Participation:  group participation and responsiveness, group evaluations
Class participation  In class or canvas discussions, in-class (Canvas online) assignments and quizzes, , penalties for disruptive behavior, etc.

Course Policies

  • Regular Participation is Expected, either on zoom or in person is acceptable.
    (EDGE student exception: EDGE students are exempt from this requirement)
  • Check your gatorlink email and Canvas several times per week for course announcements. Students are responsible for announcements made in Lecture, on Website, or via Email.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to independently obtain any missed material (including handouts) from lecture.
  • There will be no make-ups for missing exams, homework, quizzes or in-class assignments.
  • Penalties will be assigned for late assignments
    (EDGE student exception: EDGE Students have a one-week automatic extension in deadlines beyond the on-campus deadlines. Extensions beyond one week require prior approval by instructor.)
  • All Non-project group-related assignments, e.g., homework, exams, are an Individual Effort Unless otherwise explicitly specified by the instructor.
  • Note for EDGE Students: If you plan to use your work computer to take your exams, you will need to contact your IT department about sharing your administrative permissions on your computer.  Honorlock will require computer access permissions to monitor your computer during the exam.

Students with Disabilities

  • Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC office will provide the student with documentation that he/she must provide to the course instructor when requesting accommodation

Academic Honesty

  • All students admitted to the University of Florida have signed a statement of academic honesty committing them to be honest in all academic work and understanding that failure to comply with this commitment will result in disciplinary action.
  • This statement is a reminder to uphold your obligation as a student at the University of Florida, and to be honest in all work submitted and exams taken in this class and all others
    For more information, please see the UF student conduct and honor code.

UF Counseling Services

Resources are available on-campus for students having personal problems or lacking clear career and academic goals. The resources include:

  • University Counseling Center, 301 Peabody Hall, 392-1575
  • Career Resource Center, Reitz Union, 392-1601, career development assistance and counseling.
  • Personal Counseling, SHCC mental Health, Student Health Care Center, 392-1171

Software Use

All faculty, staff and students of the University are required and expected to obey the laws and legal agreements governing software use. Failure to do so can lead to monetary damages and/or criminal penalties for the individual violator. Because such violations are also against University policies and rules, disciplinary action will be taken as appropriate. We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to uphold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.