Dr. McNair is General Co-Chair of IEEE NetSoft 2024


The 10th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (IEEE NetSoft 2024) will be held in Saint Louis, MO, USA, from 24 June to 28 June, 2024. We are pleased to welcome you to St. Louis, which is the second-largest city in Missouri, United States. It is located near the confluence of the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers. The conference will be hosted by Saint Louis University (SLU), a private research university founded in 1818, it is the oldest university west of the Mississippi River and has a long history of academic excellence and innovation.

Network Softwarization refers to the transition of traditional network infrastructure and functionalities, provided via hardware appliances developed by equipment and service vendors, to new ones that have been propelled over the last 15 years by the maturity of widespread technologies such as network function virtualization, software-defined networking, and service function chaining. In particular, the ability to program, manage, and operate network and service infrastructures more freely makes it possible to reinvent network and cloud architectures, customize services, accelerate service deployment, and facilitate greater operational efficiencies with guarantees. The need for further advances in these topics is reflected in the overall theme of NetSoft 2024: “Softwarized Networks in the Age of Generative AI”. 

NetSoft 2024 will feature technical paper presentations, keynotes, tutorials, workshops, demos, posters,  and exhibitions from world-leading experts representing service providers, vendors, research institutes, open-source projects, and academia. Technical Papers can be of two types: Full or Short papers, up to 9 and 5 pages, respectively, including references and all other material. If accepted, a paper will be published in the category (long/short) of its submission. Long papers are the more traditional form for presenting technical work. Long papers should emphasize not only novelty and vision, but execution and thoroughness of the contribution (design, evaluation). Short papers are the preferred vehicle for visionary papers or traditional technical papers whose description fits within a smaller number of pages. Short papers may not yet be ‘fully baked’ in terms of execution and evaluation. In both Full and Short papers, author names and affiliations should be included after the title, as provided in the templates.

Looking forward to meeting you during IEEE NetSoft 2024

Flavio Esposito and Janise McNair
General Co-Chairs, IEEENetSoft 2024